Monday, December 21, 2009

Video: Christmas chaos with cousins.

Moved to the burbs

We have finally settled in to our new home in Scarsdale. Yesterday we got our first big snowfall and we were able to test out the new sled Shane got from his cousins. I think he really enjoyed it because he started to fall asleep while we pulled him around the yard. Did not enjoy the cold snow on his hands as much. We will be headed to the Richmond Glover's for X-mas on Tuesday where we hear they might have 15 inches. Let's hope it's not a mess on the drive down.

October beach trip and Halloween in Richmond

Here are some old pics and videos of our trip we took in late October. Our friends Julie and Jon came with their son Nolan who is just a few days younger than Shane. The boys had a great time playing together, as did the adults. Halloween was fun too. Jason dressed as Dumbledore (a costume his Mom mom made when she dressed up at her school), and Shane, well - that's obvious. Every little boy is superman at least once in his life!

Video: Nap time.

Video: Beach fun

Video: Best friends

Video: Little drummer boy.

Old Pics from October @ NC Beach and Halloween in VA