Saturday, January 30, 2010

It has been some time since our last post. Here are pictures from Christmas in Richmond with the Glover's. Poor Shane was sick as a dog but he put on his best face for opening gifts. We returned back to NY to do our annual New Year's Eve dinner with friends. It was the first time in years that we had the original gang back together, but then the 2 Chicagoans (Kat & Josh) bailed due to sickness.It was a pretty mellow night overall. We were slightly concerned Stephanie might go into labor at any moment, but in the end it was the usual suspects Julie & Jon that fell asleep before midnight in true Francis style. No surprise there:).And thanks to Nana we had another Shaneless night and morning to sleep in. Shane & Nolan have been getting a lot of playtime in and have become best of buds. Sorry, I can't get the annoying underline to go away.

Matching Moose pj's.

This empty popcorn container has proven to be my favorite toy.

Not even this cookies can get me through this silly tunnel.
Well maybe just one cookie will do the trick this time.

Julie's attempt at snow-angels with Shane

The boys particpated in the pre-New Year's festivites.

In true Will fashion, "let me just sit here while you all do the work."

Can't believe and 8.5 pounder popped out just 2 weeks later.

Our Richmond Visit. X-mas day at Avoy's.

Shane doesn't know how funny he is.

Why are they making me do this?

Sleeping beauties!!!

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