Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Broooks is here

With Shaney at school
And Jackson at camp
We trucked downtown
To meet our new scamp

9 months and counting
Picking names from the books
she'd finally decided 
He must be a Brooks

Mom laid claim to naming
For suffering three boys
But the middle name challenged
She needed dad's voice

Dad culled and winnowed
Striking names picked at random
Sounding ideas with Jackson
And landing on Landon

So back to the room
He arrived with a squall
And peed on the doctor
The nurses, the wall!

They laughed and he cried
And Dad cut the cord
More gory than expected 
He almost was floored

Now in recovery
Dad felt like a hero
His boy had a smirk
And a scowl like DeNiro

we've a few days to rest
And recover our looks
And then home to our melee
With Shane, Jackson, and Brooks

1 comment:

T.G. said...

Congratulations! T